Please leave feedback and questions about my research paper here. Thank you!
1/29/2012 11:37:23 pm

Your paper is very informative and detailed on the topic. What's your outlook on the future of electronic waste in the U.S. and the other countries? Why did you choose those three countries? How is the U.S. restricting the use on the chemicals?

2/23/2012 11:38:42 pm

1) My outlook is doubtful because there are so many obstacles in trying to pass environmental legislation in developed countries, especially America where business interests seem to dominate. However, if more people were aware of the issue, the grassroots movement would gain greater influence. In terms of other countries, developed European countries are ahead of America in terms of putting in place laws that prevent exportation of e-waste and further movements to prevent it.
2) I chose China, India, and Ghana because they contain the largest, most notorious, and newest e-waste dumping sites.
3) Currently, the EPA has restrictions on some of the materials used in electronics (like Chromium), but these are weak in the sense that they have loopholes that allow harmful materials to slip past legistlation (like certain battery chemicals).

Taylor Sekeet
1/31/2012 12:06:26 am

Why are Americans so oblivious to electronic waste?

2/23/2012 11:11:55 pm

Many Americans believe that once they take their electronics to the recycling plant (or some in the blue bins) their job is done and the waste will be properly recycled. They are unaware that there are specific recycling sites that are certified electronic recyclers. These can be found on this website:

Taylor Sekeet
1/31/2012 12:08:02 am

I couldnt find it while scimming your paper but did you look at third world countries that are effected by the electronic waste and what it does to their enviroment?

2/23/2012 11:08:27 pm

Yes! It's under the category "What are the Effects of E-waste on the Environment". I lumped the environments of the three countries under this heading because the effects of waste in all three were similar.

Taylor Sekeet
1/31/2012 12:13:28 am

- While researching what other countries did you come about that are affected?
- What was your initial thought about electronic waste?
- Why did you chose this topic?

2/23/2012 11:19:16 pm

1) Countries like Singapore in Asia and many northern African countries are popular sites for e-waste disposal. The map on this website shows more areas:

2) I first learned about e-waste in AP Environmental, and while I thought it was a problem, I didn't know how far-reaching the issue was or how it affected the governments and societies of the developed and developing nations involved.

3) I chose this topic after hearing an interview of Jim Puckett, the director of the Basel Action Network, on NPR.

Prince of Olivers
2/27/2012 07:29:57 am

1. How does this type of pollution affect the biodiversity in the area?
2. For possible solutions, would you think a fine or a tax would be an appropriate way to possibly slow the rate of this pollution.
3. Countires' affluence is is always a contributing factor. How could a developed country aid developng countries, or how could the developing countries mimic developed countries?


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